Tuesday 28 May 2019


There are certain moments in your life where you witness things happening, situations unravelling and there’s always an inexplicable feeling inside of you. A voice at the back of your head, a second person residing inside, much more rational than you, always chiming at the right time, always being so protective of you, your very own best friend. No wonder you don’t ever listen to it. Ever.

You throw caution to the wind, you want to risk it for the biscuit.

However, by the time you realise what a huge mistake that one leap of faith was, it’s already too late. You could justify it with excuses, reasons; that you were intoxicated under the stars and the moon, the timings were such, it was the planetary alignment. But, in reality, it wasn’t that at all. It was a need or rather an urge to be wanted.

Who doesn’t like that?

Who doesn’t like to be an object of affection, being told how much they are liked and valued, being put up on a pedestal, who doesn’t?

That voice warns you again, to be smart, to be careful. But, you fight with it, you argue. You tell her that she’s being silly, that you are being safe, it’s safe.

Slowly, without you realising, the impenetrable fortress of a house that you constructed with the absolute and utmost care, gets breached. You wonder. Why? How?

It was that one stupid leap of faith, silly girl, of you choosing to ignore the voice in favour of giving it a shot.

Guess what’s it cost you?

* * *

That exquisite house painted blue with the twin wooden doors and the intricate design, and the plush sofa, with that reading corner, tucked behind the curtains of the first floor from where you watched the clouds cry with a book in your hand. Your safe house, the only place you could be vulnerable and insecure and have breakdowns without anyone seeing or judging the cuts and the scratches on the walls has become a prison now. Every room, every corner reminds you of the mistake you made of letting a stranger in.

And it all began under the stars, on the sand.

You both had drinks under the stars, you guys talked and connected. Then there was this dance and of course, it was a total extravaganza. But, you both knew in your hearts that it was doomed. This union was a cursed one.

Or was it? Could it have been saved?

It began all hunky dory, everyone was on cloud nine, you were kind of happy or maybe, even content, in ways you never thought were possible. Of course, the red flags were waving furiously, sirens were blaring, the inner voice was screaming. But, you couldn’t be bothered with all of that so you chose to ignore all of the signs and brushed them under the rug.

You both had demons, you invited him with his inside your house graciously, made them both comfortable and gave them coffee. Even though you didn’t give him the key, not yet, you did, however, let him in. Let him in for more than just a glimpse of your house’s living room; he saw the marks on your house’s wall and as a gentleman, he made you promise never to do that again. The days became weeks, weeks became months, this person who had seen and stayed in your house had surreptitiously made a copy of the house key. He never once invited you to his, every mention of his house had him shooting you down. He didn’t know, he said. He never did.

Months went by, the voice was still there albeit feeble, telling you there’s still time. Something came over you, you asked him about his house, his key and he said it’s too much effort to give it to you. That was when you finally snapped. Anger made you do what caution couldn’t.

You wanted him out, him, his belongings, everything. Out.

And out he went, with him, his belongings, it took months for him to completely be gone. He still visited occasionally, the time between the visits becoming longer and longer, him becoming a stranger again.

Finally, he left. Hopefully, forever. But, that house, your fortress.

* * *

That exquisite house painted blue with the twin wooden doors and the intricate design, and the plush sofa, with that reading corner, tucked behind the curtains of the first floor from where you watched the rain with a book in your hand; it doesn’t feel safe anymore. You don’t ever want to step foot in it. It feels like a weed has grown all around it, squeezing it, watered by your tears.

That house seems like a trap, every room, every corner, you find an imprint rather an opening, opening to all of those times. You can’t run away, this is your home. YOURS.

But, now, you feel like a prisoner.
You repaint it, you renovate but nothing changes.
What do you do? Where do you go?

* * *

What should I do? Where should I go?

Let me know how you liked it :)

Saturday 25 February 2017

25.02.2017: A date to remember

I have bought so many books in the past few years that my 'to-read' list kept increasing book by book. But, when it came to reading, I just couldn't read after initial few pages.

I am talking about this girl, a voracious reader through and through, once, she used to pick up a book, no matter what the plot, she'd devour it. But, one day, some day, a moment, it was perhaps, that something changed. She couldn't put a finger on it, a feeling, her mental state or whatever. She just couldn't bring herself to sit and quietly immerse herself in a book like before. She was agitated, her heart wasn't in it anymore. It was one of the saddest things. This activity was no longer an escape, no longer a refuge. She felt lost.

Today, after so long, I did. I finished a book. It might not seem like a big deal to you. But, the moment, I turned the last page to read the last sentence, the last word. God, that feeling, that moment. 

I felt so... Happy. It was an altogether different kind of joy, so peaceful. Hell, a few tears escaped, in the freaking metro :D

25.02.2017 Smriti Happy ^_^

That's me with Candy <3

Monday 13 February 2017

Unsavoury February

Hello. How are you doing? Good, I hope. 

Just a friendly warning: Read at your own risk, it's most definitely not what you are expecting. It's going to be a morbid post full of whining. 


I have been wanting to write but due to certain circumstances, I felt that I had temporarily lost my voice. It's like what's the point of writing when there's someone out there who has already expressed what I wanted to say. Now that I am putting the words down I realise how silly my concern is. But, no matter how silly it sounds, the feeling is still there.

Anyhow, I haven't been well and it's been a while. 2017 isn't being kind to me in the health department as I had hoped. It's been tiring few days, mentally and physically. Almost as frustrating as 2014, I am just coughing like a maniac these days. Internship, was my one saving grace in all of this, a good thing to look forward to however due to stupid health issues I haven't been going. I did go on the 9th of February because I was feeling better, stupidest mistake ever. Shit got worse from that day onward, not going to go into details.

And it's 13th already and well. My birthday's around the corner. Not at all in the celebratory mood, far from it. What's the point?

I am, however, in a mood for some breaking and screaming. It's so frustrating!! There is no better term for this. No going out, no eating what you want. Ugh. I can't even throw something to blow off some steam. Apart from that, I am struggling with all those feelings from last year and in a constant battle with myself regarding self-harm. So far, I have been clean since 11th December 2016, hope to remain so. Ugh.

I thought I'd get inked. But, I can't find anything that's appealing to me. I bought a book that I have been meaning to read for the longest time, don't even feel like picking it up.

I feel like I am whining/complaining too much in this post. But, who cares? 'Mah' blog, 'mah' rulez.

We are into the second month of 2017 and so far it's just been challenging. I just hope this year is not as tumultuous as it's predecessors.

Anyhow, here's a picture of a kitkat for all of those who made this far :D

Sunday 18 December 2016

My beloved 2016

This year has been mighty eventful for me, rich with experiences, good and bad alike. 2016 began on an ominous note with a hospital visit(not me, a family member) and was filled with many such trips and many such ups and downs. Anyhow, this is not going to be about that. But, it's going to be about me.

A few days back, I answered a question on Quora and this post is about what I shared in the answer (reproduced below).

There was a ‘phase’ I went through a few months back.

I remember doing normal chores and in the middle of that, I’d start crying, like a full blown meltdown. My mum would ask me to get water and tears would start rolling down. I’d be sitting in the room trying to study and without realising I’ll end up with tears in my eyes. I used to just lie down on the floor, look at the fan and just keep crying, imagining ways to end my life. I used to be in the college, teacher giving us a lecture about tax law or something equally mundane, and I’d start bawling. I'd imagine jumping off of the sixth floor of my college from the window of the adjacent class. So many times, I'd go into that class, open the window and just stare. I'd often be talking to people and realise that I am about to have a meltdown, run to the washroom, cry/cut and then walk out and pretend that everything's cool. I even tried to seek help by talking to someone I trusted, I started texting this friend, he asked me if I was PMSing. And I ended up cutting a lot that night after telling him off. It was the darkest period. I do not know how I got out of it, gradually, I did.

During that particular phase, I felt like I was perpetually floating, I couldn’t drown nor could I fly. It was just a whole lot of nothings with a lot of meltdowns and self-harm.
That was the worst emotion I ever felt, especially, because it continued for the longest time. I am absolutely terrified of feeling like that ever again. I don't think it was depression because it wasn't that worse. But, yes, I was upset, I was sad, a little more than that. And without a proper cause. I would never wish this upon anyone. 
Source: What was the worst phase in your life?

What made the whole 'phase' even more frustrating was that there was no apparent reason for it. That feeling was inside of me and no matter what I did, I couldn't escape it. I couldn't run away from it. I didn't want to share this with anyone because I didn't believe they could really help me. How could they when I had no reason to be upset? I didn't want to talk about it with anyone because honestly, people suck. They only care for you when it's convenient to them plus, after a while, they get tired of listening to the same problem. And the advice they give, even though they have the best interests in their hearts, those aren't always the best.
Honestly, if I could, I would focus on the positive; if I could, I would 'not be upset'. But, I couldn't, at least not then. I turned to self-harm which was, as usual, even that was of little help.

Gradually, as I started talking and opening up again with people, this 'phase' gradually went away perpetually instilling in me the fear of its return.

Another thing, I acknowledged in the answer was that I self-harm. I have been using self-harm(cutting, in my case) as a way to cope with stress, feelings and any other overwhelming emotion for the past six years. If you think even for a second that it was a cry for attention, know that I hid it from everyone for SIX WHOLE YEARS including my family. It is wrong to cut, I know that but years of cutting has made me an addict.

I still struggle with it every single day, I go months without it but then even a minor stressful situation has me searching for a blade to relieve and help me cope with it. Hell, looking at my old scars on my arms disgusts me so much that I end up cutting all over again. It's a terrible, terrible cycle.

After writing that answer on Quora, I made my mother read it. And the conversation which followed was one of the hardest I've ever had. She was heartbroken over the fact that I was going through something like that but could never talk to her about it. But, she did understand to an extent. Her reaction was not at all what I expected, she took it well considering the circumstances. It made me wish that I had told her sooner.

If you are reading this and know anyone who is going through something similar, has fresh scars up his/her arms. Then please, please do not make it difficult for them, do not judge them for it, do not get mad at them for it. They are struggling with self-harm and their own emotions as it is. If you cannot help them or be there for them, then just please walk away. They don't need your emotions and opinions to burden them further especially when they are that volatile. What you can do is read up on it, talk to them about it, listen to them. Basically, just be there.

Well, so this was it. I hope you all are doing well and keep doing that way :)

To end it on a lighter and sweeter note, here's a picture of me with my beautiful mother. Hope you catch our infectious smiles ^_^

Thursday 19 May 2016

Random musings of a quiet girl

 It's been a really long time(read months) since I have felt good. It's not that I have been upset or sad. I have been feeling like I am just existing for the sake of it, going through every day with the same routine without a purpose. And this feeling, this feeling of  nothingness had settled itself in my soul.

I just lost the will to write. And even, reading had stopped giving me the joy that it used to. I tried so many things to get rid of this feeling, doing extreme things like chopping off my long locks or getting inked (Got four tattoos now xD). But, nothing felt right. Absolutely nothing.

And as usual, I did what I do best, I isolated myself. I deactivating Facebook, deleted WhatsApp and Snapchat and I started to feel kind of light.

And today, after the longest time of being numb, while doing the simplest activity of colouring and listening to some songs, I just felt whole again. There was this sense of peace and just bliss, like a heavy weight had lifted off of my chest. I just hope that this feeling stays. Which I know it won't because stupid life is made up of ups and downs. So , I am just going to revel in it and enjoy it while it lasts.

And if you read this till the very end, I really hope that you have an amazing day ahead. Thank you for taking out five minutes of your precious time to go through this. :)

As for what I was coloring... 

Thursday 31 December 2015

Dear 2015

Dear 2015,

You brought a lot to my life this year, it was all nice with just enough spice. I just want to thank you for all the things you taught me. Some of which I would like to share here with my readers...

I really hate the cold. It brings me down emotionally and physically. Everything seems twice as worse. - January 13 

When people show you a glimpse of who they are, believe them the very first time. - 15 February 

I love a good surprise which is a contradiction to my need-to-know-everything attitude. - 21 February

Once your guard goes up, no one should be given a second chance because they don't usually deserve it and they end up taking the situation for granted and worse, even you. - 9th April

Some people just don't deserve to be taken seriously. - 10th April 

A person doesn't need to be responsible for your happiness. You can be the reason behind your smile, you can be the reason that you feel on top of the world. The best feeling ever- 3rd May 

People give up easily, doesn't matter what it is, it could be on a person or a hobby or it could be as silly as a new year resolution. But, they give up too soon. And sometimes even before they have given it a shot-24th June

The best thing you could do is to stop trying so hard to be okay with things, it's okay to do anything and everything in order to kick the negativity out of your life even if it means cutting off a few people.- 25 July

Some regrets are such that they are not the things you did or didn't do but things that someone else did which end up affecting you.-17th August 

Life is fleeting, death is sudden. And in the worst of times, you have only yourself to rely on, only yourself to put the pieces of your soul back together. Also, people have the worst reactions and pieces of advice to console you when you are upset.- 30 September 

Letting someone in can be the worst possible decision especially when they don't respect who you are. - 16th December

Love does exist, I admit grudgingly. It could be as simple as a car ride with a friend, music blasting from the speakers, you two singing on top of your lungs, or as mushy as 'the look' you witness on a man when he sees the love of his life walking towards him in the bridal attire, or well, as sweet as him sneakily bringing her to her maternal home to see her mom. - 20th October/1 May/27 December 

I am extremely asocial, to an extent that never ceases to amaze me. But, what I do crave is simplicity, which I find almost always with old friends- 19 December

People change. And sometimes so drastically that it breaks your heart. Some become a hollower version of themselves while others become 'everything' that they have ever hated.- 24 December

I love family gatherings. - May/December

People tend to disappoint you, sometimes even more than once. And you end up forgiving them time and again... Till you don't anymore. And that point needs to come when you realize that instead of having a discussion and trying to sort things out and explaining what you mean, it's better for you is to keep silent and let things go. Because, sometimes silence speaks louder than words. - 14th December

No matter how much you try to control things, control is never truly in your hand. Basically, we are all slaves of circumstances. - 31st December

So, dearest 2015, you were nothing but overwhelming. You have been the most eventful and probably, the best one for me till now. As I bid you adieu, I really hope there was a thing as a time turner, so that I could go back and relive a few moments...

Anyhow, a very happy new year to all of you read through this post. I hope you have a prosperous year ahead.

And to the dearest 2016, I just want you to be as eventful as your predecessor!!

Love, Smriti

Thursday 11 June 2015


Hey Dearies!!

So, it's been a while since I last wrote, a very long while. I was busy pushing everyone and putting them at an arm's length.

And now that everyone close to me is around, I can finally focus my energy on myself.

When you reach a point where you realize that you have lost the person that you used to be, you have two choices. First, to find the person you were before. Second, to lose that person completely.

Well, I chose to walk down a third path. To improve on the person that I used to be. I had started letting people affect me, letting their words hurt me. I had completely mellowed down. Silly me, I had actually let people in. Maybe just a few layers. But, I had.

It all began a few months ago, something triggered in me and I realized that a lot had changed. I had changed.

Luckily for me, internals came and so did my brother's wedding. It was completely mental! I even got sick. That month served as a perfect excuse for me to take a step back from every relationship, not because I despise the people in my life, but because sometimes, distancing yourself from others brings you closer to yourself.

The way I was invested in everyone's life, always ready to help and be a shoulder to lean on had actually started to affect my mental well being. Especially, when the favor wasn't really returned. People had started to take me for granted. And I knew that it was happening. But, even then I let it happen. After all, I was being a 'good friend'.

But, after all of that, the escape from people, has been amazing. I don't feel the need to talk to anyone at all. I am more focused on 'me' now. And soon, my college vacation will begin. So, it will again, serve as good excuse to take a break from people in general.

My books were missing me anyway. I have about eight of them unread. So, this is me saying sayonara. So long, people!


Saturday 28 February 2015

Dear You

Dear You,

You feeling down? Like something is missing? Like you just cannot go through another day pretending to be happy? Like everything is falling apart in your life and you are just observing from above? Like your hands are tied and your voice is gone and all you want to do is scream but you just can't? Like all you want to do is fall apart and cry but you are just not able to? Do you feel this way?

 Like you are the only one who is going through this?

 Look, there comes a point in everyone’s life when a dark cloud magically pops over their head, never seeming to leave, raining negativity and just trying to bring them down. Hundreds and hundreds of people have fallen prey to it. And, no matter what they do, it clings to them like a sinister being sucking the life out of them till there is nothing left. At least that is what it wants them to believe. 

'It will get better', people tell you, but that sinister being, it whispers contradictory things. And it is easier to believe this negative entity because it has disguised itself as you. And you start believing it. You believe that everything is a lie, that you cannot be happy, that the beautiful smile of yours is gone forever, that you can only pretend to be happy so that people won’t ask you what’s wrong, that you are alone, that you can't do this any more, that there is this perpetual hollowness in you, that you are done. 

You may turn to alcohol, to cigarettes, to drugs or to any other thing that you think might numb the pain or make you feel again. You may not return from this and that is what that evil entity wants. It wants you. 

And instead of giving into this, instead of letting it win, you need to fight, you need to fight with everything you have, for only then can this evil which has entered you soul will be kept at bay, though never quite gone.

You and I both know in our hearts that things will change. That things will get better. Sweetheart, this is a phase. I promise. I promise that your brilliant smile will be back. I know that right now with everything that's going on in your life, you don't believe this. But, babe, I want you to hold on, I want you to have faith, I want you to have hope.

I want you to know that I believe in you. I believe that everything will be okay even if you don't. I believe

I know that you want to be truly happy again but happiness is not a destination, like other emotions it is fleeting. It is temporary, just like the feeling that you have right now.

I want you to know that you are not alone in this rainy season, that you have me holding an umbrella for you, over you. Even if this entity has you convinced otherwise. I am there for you. Always. 

Remember, I am with you.

Love, Smriti

P.S. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

I was going to text this to a friend of mine but I thought I should put it up on my blog as well. Because, we are all a little lost and in need of a little help even if we don't ask for it. Sometimes, we just need words to cheer us up, to pull us up when we are down. 
To all the people who are feeling a bit down, remember, to keep holding on, because things will get better. 

Tuesday 23 December 2014


Hey there!

So, my finals are going on, I am done with six, but two are still left. Yes, a law student's life sucks. Anyhow, yesterday after so long I wrote something. Here it goes...


Once upon a time, there lived a perfect boy in the perfect house, with the perfect parents. He had the perfect set of friends, he went to the perfect school, and he had the perfect life.

Everyone who saw him, who knew him, was envious of him. And why wouldn’t they be? After all, he was the epitome of perfection. He was a fun loving, cheerful person who brought a smile to each and everyone’s face. People used to see him, they used to hear his words but no one really looked, no one listened. No one looked at the bags of maturity under those beautiful eyes, which had lost their twinkle; no one listened to the guy who was barely holding on to his dear life.

The boy had perfected a routine. Wake Up. Plaster a smile. Interact. Crack a few jokes. Exist. Sleep. Repeat.

Now, this boy had a not so perfect secret, a secret, which had consumed him, a secret that had brutally taken away his chance at happiness, a secret, he swore to protect even if it meant it would lead him to his death and all because of love. Pure and unadulterated love.

He was bitter, he was full of anger, he was miserable, but he fiercely believed in hope: hope- that beautiful thread which had been holding together the broken pieces of his soul. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t escape the harsh reality of the fact that life wasn’t fair and he had gotten the short end of the straw. His life was a never-ending nightmare and it was all his fault.

He was the one who had chosen to walk this path. He was the one who knew that speaking up, telling the truth will ruin not one but many lives. And he did not have it in himself to do that, he just couldn’t be the one to burst somebody’s bubble even though he knew it was what he should have done.


I know it was short, but, it's just the beginning!
Story coming up soon! Keep checking!
Hope you liked it! You can also follow my blog through facebook- Words Unspoken

Have a merry Christmas! And a Happy New year :D

Thursday 24 July 2014

Random Ramblings

How could you not appreciate the warmth of the sun as its golden fingers caressed your body?

How could you close your ears to the silent whispers of the breeze?

How could you be so oblivious to the gentle splatters of the rain?

How could you look and not see the beauty of the nature, as it turned green in its full glory?

How could you ignore the exquisite yellow jacket that the nature adorned as it sensed the approaching winter?

How could you not try to catch the snowflakes on your tongue when it snowed?

How could you not let your thoughts flow on paper the moment you held a pen in your hand?

How could you not?

Have you become that numb? 

Have you become that empty?


So, a lot's going on these days. Things have been crazy. Everything seems pointless. It's kind of a mess. But, well. This too shall pass.

Anyway, on a lighter note... 

I began interning this July and it has been fun experience. Nothing compared to what I expected it to be. Fortunately, the lawyer I am interning under is nice. I get to read and attend 'interesting' cases. There are other interns as well. Nice people.

Just wanted to say I will
be posting another story shortly. So, be patient my lovelies!

Also, thanks for bearing my random ramblings :P

And you follow 'Words Unspoken' on Facebook as well :)

Sunday 22 June 2014


Hey There Earthlings!!

My exams are finally over! FINALLY!! I am a free bird till August. Sigh.

This July is going to be quite eventful! Less than ten days left for a very special friend to come to India. Plus, compulsory internship. So, July's going to be fun :D

Anyway, I wrote another short story. So, here it goes...


Anahita was a fifteen year old, brought up under the care of a handsome woman who had not shed a single tear in her daughter's lifetime. Anahita's mother had learnt to exist in this unholy world facing all kinds of daunting obstacles head on with a smile for her daughter's sake, providing the girl with everything even if it meant sleeping empty stomach for nights at a stretch.

This girl was five when the 'transformation' had taken place, from Ananya, she had become Anahita, because of another's deeds and choices. It was a necessary change, it was a new beginning, and it was a gift. Like every other mother, she wanted what was best for her child. If killing Ananya to give birth to Anahita was the only way to achieve that, then so be it.

She wanted a normal life for her pristine little daughter, away from the prying neighbors and she did everything in her power to achieve it. She disappeared with her daughter from the disdainful eyes of the society, which would never accept them.

A fresh start was all she could afford to give her five year old at that time and so, Anahita was born. The next three years were the most difficult time for the runaway wife and her fatherless daughter. Because of her exquisite smile, countless propositions came her way, some of love and some of lust. She refused all because none wanted her baby. Getting a job in a metropolitan city wasn't easy. Yet, they survived.

Ten years have passed since.

She gave Anahita the life she deserved, a life where her daughter was not looked at with pity, was not looked at with contempt, was not hated, was not known by her father's name, was not known by the name that the societies thinks is honorable, and condemns in situations otherwise. It was funny how just a thing as trivial as a name could do so much, and what was incomprehensible was by whose and why.

Ananya's fate had been sealed ten years ago on her fifth birthday with the strike of a gavel all because her beloved father was not able to control his disgraceful desires that night. And what kind of a mother would want such a father for her daughter. And so, on Ananya's fifth birth anniversary, Anahita, with aspirations blinking latently in her eyes, said hello to this big, bad beautiful world.


Hope you liked it :)

Also, you can follow my page on facebook -> Words Unspoken

Monday 5 May 2014

'A Desirable Agony'

Guess what happens when university gives you holidays to study for finals?
You read and you read and occasionally write as well! :P

Anyway, I wrote a short story last night which I would like to share with you all...

'A Desirable Agony'

He sat there on the cliff's edge by the sea with a shard of glass in his hand, breathing in the last of a very long and eventful day. The darkness had started to color the sky and his tortured soul alike. Five months, two weeks, four days. To his friends and family, these were just a couple of months. To him and his body, they were a lifetime. He had found meaning, a reason to believe in, a reason to wake up in the morning not feeling like an utter waste of space. He had found in her the reason to live and not just exist. Her smile was his smile; her happiness was his happiness. However, her breaths were numbered and he knew that.

People around him loved perfection and he was just that, an epitome of perfection. Perfect hair, perfect looks, perfect house, perfect family and perfect set of friends but not so perfect arm. Everyone that knew him, they were all envious of the enigma that he was but no one could ever really get past that image of his. Only she did because she knew that her arm was identical to his; decorated with beauty, an angry reminder of their past deeds. They had made a pact to stop not for anyone but for each other's sake. After all perfection marred by scars is anything but perfect. They were clean.

Today, after five months, two weeks and four days of remaining clean, the reason to stay that way had been killed in the most peaceful manner possible. Every time he closed his eyes, her beautiful smile was all he saw. He wouldn't let his last image of her cloud the vision that she was. She had altered him, leaving her unique fingerprints all over his soul.

He had been dreading this day for months, contemplating all the possible scenarios. She had always been there for him, whispering words of wisdom, trying to give him the strength to face the harsh reality of life, no matter how hard he tried to fight the truth... Her days were numbered. Today, he had let the one thing that brought him joy die because that is what she wanted. Because that is what her last wish was. He loved her so much that he would've killed for her, he would've died for her but she wanted to die... How could he deny that? She wanted to die at his hands and she did. He had made it as painless as possible; he had used a pillow and couple of sleeping pills.

It was a selfless act with the purest of desire to see his mother leave the world with dignity before Alzheimer's could destroy all that she was. He was the perfect son of a perfect mother with imperfect habits.

He just sat at the cliff's edge playing with the shard of glass, a murderer. He had promised his mother that he would never follow in her example but guess he was a liar and a hypocrite as well. He was a murderer, a hypocrite, a liar, he was starting to hate himself more with every passing second. What kind of a son was he? What kind of a brother was he? What kind of person was he? Was he a person at all? He was a monster. He had to punish himself. He needed to punish himself.

He looked at the shard of glass, a piece of his mother's mirror. She was dead, she wouldn't notice the broken mirror. Again, which was his fault. It was always his fault. He had to punish himself. The only way he could punish himself would violate his promise to his beloved mother. At that moment, his hatred for himself consumed him so much that he couldn't think clearly much less look beyond that shard of glass.

He had already done so much harm what's a few more cuts could do?


Hope you liked it ^_^

Also, if you are a self-harmer, know that you need to stop not because people are out there and they love you, no, but because you owe it to yourself not to do it.

Friday 2 May 2014

10 Reasons Why Queen Is A MUST Watch

One reason to read this: Just because :P
Courtesy: Awkward Panda
  1. Kangana Ranaut and Lisa Haydon (Hello, guys!)

 All the boys are in for a treat if they plan to go and watch this movie (if you know what I mean!)

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  1. Mish Boyko

Yes, of course! The filmmakers couldn’t possibly be unfair to the ladies, now, could they?
While Lisa and Kangana light up the screen , Mish Boyko gives the girls a perfect mixture of smouldering looks and a pretty face (and consequential figurative mini orgasms)

  1. A reason to travel alone.

(Possibly for your honeymoon. ALONE.)
Honestly, if I ever get to go for a honeymoon like this, I wouldn’t EVER mind getting married..er..getting my marriage called off. Late nights. Out with strangers-who-will-eventually-turn-friends-after-I-tell-them-my-dukhbhari-daastan. Walking on the streets with no idea as to wherever it is that I’m going. Paris ki andheri galiyon mein chalte jana!


  1. Make mistakes.

Okay, I’m not saying that go out and drink and party the night away. These are all bad things. Okay, kids? (Namaste, auntyji!)
But yes, go out. Have fun. Trust. Get your heart broken. Make mistakes. Learn. And most importantly, EXPLORE.  (Just don’t get arrested.:P)
It’s but one lifetime and it’s too short to be the ideal kid and not make any mistakes..I mean..nahi nahi! Mummy papa ki saari baatein maano!:D

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  1. Move out of your comfort zone

“The comfort zone is a beautiful place. But nothing ever grows there”

Do something that you’ve never done before. Meet with people. Do something that you’re afraid to do! Do it, without the fear of being judged. And trust me, when you accomplish it, it’ll be nothing but sheer bliss!


  1. Act goofy. Brings you happiness. Trust me, I know!:PC:\Users\Kamal Mohan\Desktop\lisa-haydon-kangna-ranaut-still-from-film-queen_139030152250.jpg

  1. A plastic surgery for the mentality

No offense, auntyjis and unclejis! But it’s high time you let your daughter out. And without Chintoo this time.
To all the people who believe that a girl can’t take care of herself, PLEASE watch the movie. I beg of you. PLEASE. She’ll fumble, she’ll stumble, but she’ll triumph.

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  1. If you’re a girl who’s just broken up and is feeling alone, watch it.

This one’s for all the feminists out there! You, in fact, do NOT need a guy to make yourself happy. There isn’t always a guy that you need to protect you. Get up. Take charge. Win.

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  1. It’ll make you laugh, smile and cry. And most importantly, it’ll compel you to dream.


  1. Not a happy ending that you’d expect, but certainly one that you’d love!

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