Monday 30 September 2013


I was reading something online when I came across a quote worth sharing.

 "A thousand candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of that candle will not be shortened."

How true is that!

I love helping people whenever I can. Even when they don't know that it's me. Always fun. There is this secret satisfaction that you get when you know you have made somebody smile, that you are the reason they are not upset anymore. You don't have to do great things or go out of the way to help. Small things matter too. It could be as simple as picking somebody's pen or just being there for your friend when they are down. It is having a supporting role in somebody else's movie and being okay with that.

But when I look around myself, I see a lot of people who think helping somebody is beneath them. Or it is 'not cool'. I find that very sad. It is not like you will die if you lent a hand or something. Sheesh!

But the counter argument to this could be the fact that if you extend your hand towards someone, they always try and grab your arm. Which again is very true.

Often, you are labelled as 'meddlesome' in the first scenario and 'too aloof' in the second one. There is such a thin line between this. Then there is this whole thing about not caring what people think. Sheesh.

I am pretty sure that when humans were being manufactured they were handed a specific code of conduct that they were supposed to follow. And mine got lost somewhere!

Do you ever feel like that or am I the only one?   

P.s. If you have any questions for me please send them at 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Loving Him Dearly

The other day I started studying for my exam, law of crimes. And instead of learning a bunch of sections like I hoped to do, I ended up writing a random story. I haven't really decided the title for it or anything. But well, here it goes...

It is never easy. They say it is. But, no. Never. Each time is different, sure. But easy? Never. 
Move on. Two words. Easy to utter, difficult to follow. Every time you 'move on', you are leaving a part of yourself behind. And no matter what, you can never go back in time to get that part. 

It has been a year. 

In other people's eyes, I have done it! I have moved on. I am done being asked whether I am okay or not. So, I have a smile permanently pasted on my face for their sake but inside it is all hollow. I feel empty, numb.

He is gone. He left me and took everything of mine with him. I was so stupid! I ignored all the signs, I ignored everything and everyone for him. People warned me but I didn't listen. 

How could I listen to them?

I was living a fantasy. I was on top of the world. I was flying!! They didn't get it. They never had him. They couldn't understand the feeling. I loved him!

I had always been the careful one. I never took risks, always had my guard up. My friend brought him with her on a get together. He was adorable. It was like a breath of fresh air. I had to have him. And I paid a hefty amount to get him. He was totally worth it. Everything seemed to fall into place. I felt so comfortable and safe with him.

And then it happened. I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't ready for it. 

Today, exactly a year ago, everything was taken from me. It was evening time. Like always, I took the metro, it was very convenient. From the station I walked towards my home, thinking about him. I reached home and immediately knew something was wrong. The door to my place was ajar. Everything was totally out of place. Finally, I saw him. Everything in me died that very moment. He wasn't moving. The doctors tried everything but I was too late.

That day I lost my sweet little dog, piggy. He was my fifth pet that year.

Sooooooo... That is it! Hope you guys liked it :P

Saturday 14 September 2013

The Verdict

Yesterday on 13th September 2013 the verdict on the Delhi Gang Rape Case was given. All four accused have been given capital punishment. They are all going to die.

Every other person that I talked to, every other facebook status that I read, every other news channel that I watched, they all said the same thing.

‘Justice has been served’.

 ‘All four of them have gotten what they deserved.’

I beg to differ.

All six of them, they gave ‘hell’ an altogether new meaning. They not only raped her. They brutalized her body with other foreign objects as well. They did unimaginable things to her, the details of which are just too horrific. They made her friend watch and tortured him as well, beating the crap out of him when he tried to help her. They threw her and her friend out of the moving bus. Hoping they’d die. They didn’t. They survived. She died a couple of days later, succumbing to her injuries while her friend survived.

Is giving them death penalty for what they did really justice? I don’t think so. I respect the Court’s decision, I really do. But I think death is simple. It is easy. It just doesn’t seem enough! They will be hanged till death. In one swift motion their lives will end. No suffering at all. It just doesn’t seem right to me. 

I wish castration was legal in India, even electrocution for that matter. I wish they could be burnt alive (Yes, I am a sadist at heart). But, damn our laws.   

I am happy that the judgement was finally passed. Hope that things will change now. Hope men will think twice before touching women now.

Thursday 12 September 2013


A quote in a book by Jodi Picoult

A couple of days back I came across this picture and I started thinking about loneliness and being alone. Why are people so afraid of being alone? Do they not like themselves? Do they not like their own company?

I don't get it. I know man(woman too) is a social animal and cannot survive in isolation. But why does being alone seem like a punishment to some?

The thing is I have always been the center of attraction among friends. Always the goof, cracking jokes(appropriate, inappropriate alike :P), making people laugh. Being random, being crazy. Get the picture?

Yet, I am never really able to connect with people more than that. I am not an emotional person and it takes a lot of time for me to bond with people. And even when I do bond there is always a feeling of loneliness. I used to be afraid of it. I craved company. But that phase is long gone.

Now, I have fallen in love with being alone. Books and music are the two things that give me an excuse to ignore people. Most of them are mean and manipulative. The toxic kind that you'd want to steer away from. But I can't really do that so I started keeping to myself. I do talk to everyone. I am very sociable. But most of the time I try to keep quiet (failing miserably of course).

Anyway, in my heart I thank these people. I thank them for making me fall in love with my own company. Making me appreciate the thing that I was missing. Now I am not afraid of me anymore. 

So try taking time out of your busy life to enjoy your company. You deserve some 'me' time. Remember you never really feel lonely when you are alone. Enjoy! 

Another random picture I came across 

Sunday 1 September 2013

Smile :)

I was going to write about the verdict of The Juvenile Justice Court. But I just don't feel like it anymore. It just makes me really sad. The girl is dead and the most brutal of those six men is going to get just three years minus eight months in some reformatory home. Is it really fair?

Hmm... I am sure everyone is outraged and all. But for now I won't write about it.

Okay. Random question. What made you smile today? Or in the past week. Like, really truly light-up-the-whole-town kind of smile. :P

Come on! If you could think of at least five to ten incidents that too in less than two minutes. Kudos to you!

For some of the unfortunate people (like me) who actually had to think for five to ten minutes. Well,  to them I just have to say.. "GET UP!! Go in front of the mirror! Make a goofy face!". I bet there will be a smile on your face threatening to break free. (If somebody catches you doing that and recommends a doctor Not my problem, okay? :P )

Problem smiling? Try this--->  Smile!!

It actually takes me a lot of time to think of good funny smiley incidents. Seems sad? Far from it. I am actually a very bubbly, enthusiastic and cheerful person. People always describe me as a lively being. And the thing is I love to make others laugh.

But when it comes to me... I kind of suck.

Anyway, just keep smiling people. Life's too short to be wasted on trivial things.