Saturday 26 April 2014


Do you know what's exhausting?

Do you know what's even more exhausting?
 Back to back exams!

I had my family law's exam the other day and it went surprisingly well. Don't you worry, I won't be blabbering about stupid exams. Anyhow, Something happened that day that touched my heart, again, surprisingly. :P

It started as any other normal exam day. Woke up. Freshened up. Revised. Left for college. Revised. Gave the exam. Cribbed about the paper as the worry for the next exam crept in.. Anyway, left college with my friend at around one thirty.

Now, everything is normal till now. He drops me at the bus stop and I take an E-rickshaw thingy which looks something like this->

There are 4 people in the ricky apart from the driver, moi, a 60 something lady sitting on my right, a lady in her early thirties with her 10 year old daughter sitting across us. Again, everything is in routine, the regular ruckus, the regular traffic, the regualr indifference. There is a considerable distance between our vehicle and another. But something happened, something that probably shouldn't have, something that was probably meant to be. Much to the driver's dismay, his amazingly well (Dhoom 3 sorts :P) driving skills ditched him when a bike appeared out of nowhere and collided with our vehicle. Why, you ask? Because it's India, and because it had to appear out of nowhere and it had to collide with our vehicle.

The bike swerved out of control and the biker's hand got squished between the ricky and bike's handle and it started bleeding a beautiful shade of red (yes, it was a 'beautiful' shade of red). Everything stopped for a second. I couldn't feel my heartbeat for a moment. I was working on my thoughts and letting the shade of the blood sink into my eyes and the thoughts of whatever it was that had just happened sink into my heart. And in a fraction of a second, as expected, all hell broke loose. There was chaos and people started shouting at that man and at each other [ Because, it's India and it's everyone's fault except your own]. This whole thing happened and was in the direct line of sight of the 10 year old girl  who immediately started bawling. Everyone tried to calm her down, to see where she was hurt.( All this while, I was 'hearing' random metal songs that my phone was popping and with every beat of the drum, I regained consciousness and started contemplating the scene that was being played right in front of my eyes )

Anyway, the little girl wasn't hurt AT ALL. She was crying because the man had gotten hurt! OH YES! Can you actually believe that!?

It was the raw emotion on the girl's face as she kept going on and on about the man being hurt that moved me. Because, I, probably like many others, have forgotten what compassion is truly like. That kid's innocence actually got me all misty eyed [a rarity] and I spent the next fifteen minutes trying to cheer that kid up by making random faces, showing her funny pictures and what not. And watching that smile lighten up Shreya's face just made me realize how you feel sometimes that your existence actually has an objective and that those objectives are floating all around us, like bubbles, just waiting for us to come into their way so that they can burst themselves into our faces.

On a completely random note, my blog post '10 ways to Annoy People' got featured in 'Awkward Panda', a blog by my dear friend. Check it out!
Also, you can follow 'Words Unspoken' on facebook as well. ^_^

P.s. Went to the market today while coming back I smiled at a 8 year old girl [ I swear I am NOT a pedo] and her response is 'Didi, aap bohot acche lag rahe ho'(Didi, you are looking good) :D
Bloody made my evening.

Sunday 13 April 2014

10 Ways To Annoy People

1. Poke Them

So, you discovered your friend is a teeny bit ticklish. What do you do? POKE THEM!! Because, it is good way to piss people off and it is FUN! :D

2. Doodle on THEIR register

What's new? Your friend's register! What will any innocent, sweet person do? YEP! You guessed it right! You'll ruin their register ^_^

Tips on how to ruin your friend's register:
Fill it with 'I love <insert crush's name &/or 'best friend's name'>
Fill it with random 'innocent' (if you know what I mean) words and phrases :P
Fill it with YOUR name

3. Stare At Them

Your friend started to talk about an extremely boring topic in a very monotonous tone. You want him/her to shut up. Best way to get them to shut up AND annoy them IS... 

To stare at them. Just keep looking at them without blinking. They will falter. :D

4. Mess Up Their Hair

It is fun to play with people's hair. What's more fun? Messing up their hair! 

You ask, 'Why?' 
I say, 'Just because.'.

5. Draw ON them

Because, the world is your canvas. And so are they :D

6. Give Them Funny Nicknames

Even I have my share of embarrassing nicknames. Tiny, Lilliput, chutki, shorty etc are few of the many nicknames of mine. 


So, that weird classmate started texting you. No problemo... STRT WRITING LYK DIS. Bet, it will SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF HIM. If he talks to you in person. SHOUT.

8. Smell

Mr. X starts talking to you. You don't like him. 
What to do? 
Start sniffing him. Sniff his shoulder. Or hair. Or whatever you like. He will probably get annoyed and just walk away.

9. Repeat What They Say

'This is a classic way to annoy someone.'
'This is a classic way to annoy someone.'
'No, really!'
'No, really!

10. Smell Your Feet

Yep! You read it right. Smell your feet. Actually, you know what is better than you smelling your feet in front of your friends. You ASKING THEM to smell your feet!

If at any point, you are slapped and/or punched and/or kicked for annoying people by using the above-mentioned methods. I bear no responsibility for that. Also, if you try to annoy ME using the above-mentioned methods, I promise that I will find you and I will kill you.

Monday 7 April 2014

TMI: Too Much Information

Hey There My Lovelies! 

I hope you all are doing well. :)

So, my Quoran friend, +Preetha Datta  tagged me in a TMI post and because I am an AWESOME person I would oblige :P :P

So, here it goes:

What are you wearing?
My black tee which has a skull and 'bad to the bone' written in white with black shorts .

Ever been in love?
I don't believe in love. Way too cynical to. But, I do love books, does that count? And IAN SMOLDERHALDER <3

Ever had a terrible breakup?

How tall are you?
I am 5"2 approximately. Yes, I am short! Proud to be short (& cute)! :P

How much do you weigh?
Ummm... 40 kgs. Yes, I AM TINY! If you EVER tease me about it, I promise to break your face :*

Any tattoos?
OH YES! :3
Just one. On my left wrist. ^_^

Any piercings?
Yep. The ears. Always wanted a piercing on my eyebrow but parents :/ 


Favorite show?
Ummm... The Originals & The Vampire Diaries.

Favorite bands?
Well, my all time favorite include 'Poets of the fall', 'The Script', 'Linkin Park, 'Bullet for my valentine'.

Something you miss?
A lot of things. But most of all, I miss my old self.

Favorite Song?
Keeps changing, but currently 'Let Her Go by Passengers'

How old are you?
Physical age: 20 years, 2 months and 18 days
Mental age: Fluctuates between 4 years & 40 years!

Zodiac sign?
I am a proud little aquarian :)

Quality you look for in a partner?
Okay. This one's easy. He should be able to cook, clean & be Ian :P

Favorite Quote?
'If winter comes, can spring be far behind?'- P.B. Shelley
Another one of my favorite is, 'Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.'

Favorite Actor?
Ian Somerhalder ( his eyes) *Swoons* & Joseph Morgan!

Favorite Color?
Simple! Black, purple & blue. 

Loud Music Or Soft Music?

Where do you go when you are sad?
I like to be alone when I am upset so I climb on top of the shed on the terrace of my house. It's quiet and peaceful there, plus the height! 

How long does it take you to shower?
Anywhere between 15 to 45 minutes :p

How long does it take you to get ready?
Anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.

Ever been in a physical fight?
Plenty! I have punched people, slapped people and what not. 

Turn Off?

Turn On?
Honesty. Being a cute drummer(or a guitarist) doesn't hurt. (Abs *.* )

Major reason you joined blogger?
Simply because I was bored and I wanted to try something new.


Last thing that made you cry?
A late night conversation with my friend.

Last time you said 'I Love You' to someone?
Just two seconds ago to my friend, abhi :D
(Had gotten two virtual chocolates :D )

Meaning behind your Blogger/Youtube name?
'Words Unspoken'. I think it's pretty self explanatory. 

Last book you read?
Sing You Home By Jodi Picoult *.*

What are you currently reading?
House Rules by Jodi Picoult :P

Last show you watched?
Boston Legal.

Last person you talked to?
My mum

Relationship between the last person you texted?
My one true love with whom I have an EXTREMELY unhealthy platonic friendship.

Favorite Food?
CHOCOLATE! I know, I know it's not really food... BUT!

Places you want to visit
Refer to my post- 'Places I would Like to Visit'.

Last place you were?
I went to the park in the evening.

Do you have a crush?
A HUGE list of crushes, I have :D :D

Last time you kissed someone?
Can't remember.

Last time you were insulted?
Two minutes ago :/

Favorite flavor of sweet?

What instrument do you play?
Well, I used to play harmonium.

Favorite piece of jewelry?
Ring given by my grandmom. Always wear it!

Last sport you played?
Football. Couple of weeks back *.*

Last song you sang?
Let her go by the passengers! I just love this song!

Favorite chat-up line?

Have you ever used it?

Last time you hung out with someone?
Today. In college. With the 'KDD Gang'. :D

Who should answer these questions next?

Definitely +Dhwani Mohan  because she needed post ideas :P
AND whoever happens to be reading this :D

Anyway, thank you to the people who made it ALL the way down here! You are AWESOME!