Sunday 22 June 2014


Hey There Earthlings!!

My exams are finally over! FINALLY!! I am a free bird till August. Sigh.

This July is going to be quite eventful! Less than ten days left for a very special friend to come to India. Plus, compulsory internship. So, July's going to be fun :D

Anyway, I wrote another short story. So, here it goes...


Anahita was a fifteen year old, brought up under the care of a handsome woman who had not shed a single tear in her daughter's lifetime. Anahita's mother had learnt to exist in this unholy world facing all kinds of daunting obstacles head on with a smile for her daughter's sake, providing the girl with everything even if it meant sleeping empty stomach for nights at a stretch.

This girl was five when the 'transformation' had taken place, from Ananya, she had become Anahita, because of another's deeds and choices. It was a necessary change, it was a new beginning, and it was a gift. Like every other mother, she wanted what was best for her child. If killing Ananya to give birth to Anahita was the only way to achieve that, then so be it.

She wanted a normal life for her pristine little daughter, away from the prying neighbors and she did everything in her power to achieve it. She disappeared with her daughter from the disdainful eyes of the society, which would never accept them.

A fresh start was all she could afford to give her five year old at that time and so, Anahita was born. The next three years were the most difficult time for the runaway wife and her fatherless daughter. Because of her exquisite smile, countless propositions came her way, some of love and some of lust. She refused all because none wanted her baby. Getting a job in a metropolitan city wasn't easy. Yet, they survived.

Ten years have passed since.

She gave Anahita the life she deserved, a life where her daughter was not looked at with pity, was not looked at with contempt, was not hated, was not known by her father's name, was not known by the name that the societies thinks is honorable, and condemns in situations otherwise. It was funny how just a thing as trivial as a name could do so much, and what was incomprehensible was by whose and why.

Ananya's fate had been sealed ten years ago on her fifth birthday with the strike of a gavel all because her beloved father was not able to control his disgraceful desires that night. And what kind of a mother would want such a father for her daughter. And so, on Ananya's fifth birth anniversary, Anahita, with aspirations blinking latently in her eyes, said hello to this big, bad beautiful world.


Hope you liked it :)

Also, you can follow my page on facebook -> Words Unspoken