Tuesday 25 March 2014

52 Lists: Week 11- List Your Essentials

I know that I have been a little behind on my lists project and for that I apologize. I have been dealing with a lot these days so I just couldn't bring myself to write. Anyhow, time to get on with week 11...

Going outside

Spending time with family

Cuddling with Grandmom


Venting to mum

Venting to my 'live' journal :P

Catching up with friends

A good sleep

At least an hour of solitude



A good conversation

Living in the moment

Loyalty & Honesty


Going COMPLETELY crazy (at least once a week)







A Good Book

Satiating my curiosity 


Trying to help others

Playing with my dog


'Trying' to be humble

Late night conversations with my person

So, what are some things that are your essentials? And why?

Sunday 16 March 2014

52 Lists: Week 10

It's finally time for spring!! Feels so good especially because I HATE WINTERS!

Anyhow, let's start with the fact that I hate cleaning. Yes, I love my messy room, my messy wardrobe and everything messy!! Pish posh! I'll just have to make a list purely for the sake of making one... Anyhow, getting on with this week's list...


Clean my wardrobe
Buying new clothes, taking out the summer clothing, packing away the winter clothes (gotta hate the whole thing)
Clean up my draws and cabinets
Have about nine of them which are filled with books and other boring stuff 
Open my mind to new adventures
Try new things 
Like opening myself up, 'trying' to stop over analyzing every thing etc etc
Re-do my board 
Stop doing thing's just because I felt obligated
Take more walks 
Start jogging again (& running)

That is all the cleaning I am going to do this spring! 

And to all the people who've told me to increase my post lengths... I'll try!

Till next time :)

P.s. You can follow my blog through it's facebook page --->  Words Unspoken

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Random Musings

Have you ever thought that every person that you bump into, every person that you meet has a story?

That there is some sort of a reason behind your meeting. That your acquaintance was fate.

 People are filled with so much beauty that sometimes it just takes me by surprise. To get to know a person, to draw out their experiences, it takes time and patience. It takes sincerity and dedication. Each and every interaction that you have with all these people is an opportunity to develop a unique relationship with them.

 At the age of twenty, I should be forming long lasting bonds with people because friendships/relationships formed during this time tend to last. But, are they really worth it? Are they worth knowing you? No, I don't believe that I am better than they are or superior to them. (On other thoughts, maybe a teenie bit better :P )

People say everything happens for a reason. But, does it really? Or do we just like to justify everything with a reason?

Are we all over thinking fools? I guess we'll just have to think over that, methinks.:P

Also, if you happen to like pandas, cakes and Family Guy, do check this blog out:-

Sunday 9 March 2014

One Down, Many More To Go!!

Hey there Earthlings!

How have y'all been? How was your weekend? I hope it good because my weekend was quite eventful. I was lucky enough to cross out one item off my bucket list! (Yayyee! :P )

Oh yeahhhh!! I GOT INKED!! xD

I have altered my appearance permanently by adding a beautiful piece of art on my wrist. I have wanted a tattoo for the longest time but I wanted to be a 100% sure on the design and the size. After researching and reading all sorts of tattoo Dos & Don'ts, I finally gathered the courage to ask my parents for permission. If you are an Indian kid, every single thing that you do has to be approved by your parents (No exaggeration!). I was hoping that we wouldn't have a huge fight and that they'd agree without any kind of resistance and surprisingly that's how it happened. It took me less than ten minutes to convince them. That day I was on cloud nine!

I quickly made an appointment with KD sir but I wasn't able to keep it because I fell sick. This was two months ago. On 15 February, I asked my doc if it was okay now to get it done, he refused because I still wasn't well enough. On 2 March, my doc finally gave me the green signal! So, on 7 March I made an appointment with KD Sir for 8th.

8th March 2014

After an hour or so of finalizing the design, the font and making of the stencil, it began. I have a high pain threshold yet I was worried as to how much it would hurt. The pain was bearable and it kind of felt ticklish. It took roughly forty minutes and at four thirty, I had a beautiful word tattoo on my wrist!

So, this Women's Day, I got to cross out one item off my bucket list! A big thanks to +Kd Sethi for making the experience worthwhile and for making a perfect tattoo that I love!

 If you guys want a tattoo and are worried about the pain... Don't be! Just go for it!! It is totally worth it and now I want another!!

What about you? Do you have any tattoos?

Thursday 6 March 2014

52 List: Week 9

I have been cooped up in my house for the past two months because of my stupid health so you guys can imagine my frustration level. Anyhow, let me get on with this week's list which was kind of fun to write :P

WEEK 9: 

Angel Falls!
New Zealand 
New York
Bora Bora
Las Vegas
New Orleans
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Any mountainside!
A cabin in the woods
Tattoo parlor 
Any beach! 

Wonder what all places I will actually visit in the future?